Maximising charity video content

So much to know, such little capacity to know it all in

Every charity faces a challenge when it comes to marketing their work effectively. Marketing can be a function that often gets overlooked, leading to increased pressure to condense an incredible amount of knowledge into a team of perhaps one or two people.

Consequently the ability to make informed decisions around maximising the impact and value of any content can become a tricky business.

The JG Creative Charity Marketing Peer Support group exists to bring together individual marketers within charities to support each other in effectively sharing communications around what they do and the impact their work has.

We felt privileged when our friends at JG Creative recently invited us to take part in this amazing charity marketing peer support group. And so in the spirit of being #ReelKind of course we said yes!

Understanding the basics

We kicked our session off with a look into some of the basics that can often be overlooked when it comes to sharing video content. How we measure success kind of depends on our goals, so we explored the importance of defining those goals - and our audiences - first.

With a brief note on the dark art of algorithms, we were ready to move onto our five simple ways to start maximising the impact and value of your video content.

God you are good! I really enjoyed that

– Rhiannon Vine, The Wingate Centre

Simple ways to get the most out of your video content

Making videos is hard. Engagement is too. So it was really important for us to make our advice as simple and accessible as possible for everybody to put into practice straight away. 

Whilst there really is an incredible amount of complexity that goes into sharing a successful video campaign, actually with the five steps we outlined we were able to empower every charity member to walk away with actionable ways to improve their results immediately. And the feedback we got was fantastic:

It went really well and I’m looking forward to watching the recording later

– Alison Bowett, JG creative

You can download a free copy of the key points covered in our presentation by registering your details here.

Find out how to sign up for support today

The JG Creative peer support group is completely free to join, attracting charities from all over the world who enjoy a free 2 hour zoom workshop on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

And members are invited to join a closed facebook group too where collaboration, support and knowledge sharing is at the core of their membership. Find out more here.

And if you’d like to get your hands on a copy of the free download we created which summarises the key points covered in our presentation then simply register your details here.

Do you want to create exceptional charity video content too?

Click on the button below and see how we can help you with your next charity video project!

If you liked this blog then please share it with your charity and marketing contacts and tell them to follow @itsmajestical to be kept up to date with more ambitious video production and animation success.

And if you’ve got unanswered questions, then join one of our upcoming 30-minute Video Unwrapped webinars. We’ll help you de-mystify the process of creating effective video content successfully for your brand or charity.

Places are limited so book early to secure your spot.

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