Perks for people and planet

b-corp video production and animation

It's #Reelkind but not as you know it

We know you’re familiar with our pledge to inspire positive change amongst our clients and communities. And we’re sure you’ve kept abreast of all the lovely #ReelKind examples of how we’re putting that pledge into practice so far (find out more here).

But this one takes a somewhat different angle altogether.

Combining two loves into something really lovely

As part of our journey towards B-corp certification we’ve taken a long hard look at many areas of the business and we’ve asked ourselves many challenging questions too. Ultimately we’ve thought long and hard about whether we’re really doing everything we can to have the most positive impact on our people and planet.

Yes we compost and recycle 90% of our waste

Yes we subscribe to climate projects which benefit the planet, biodiversity and local communities. Yes we scrutinise the social and environmental policies of all our suppliers. Yes we donate our time and skills to as many community projects as we can. But we knew there was more we could do for our people.

You see we really do love our planet

And we really do love our people too. So we thought we'd find a way to combine these two loves with a lovely new climate and health positive perk.

What the chuff do you mean, a climate and health positive perk??

We’re pledging to make a bicycle fund of £300 available to all team members* to help them commute to the studio the #ReelKind way.

This forms an integral part of the on-going commitment we’ve made to reduce our carbon impact and to keep our people healthy and happy.

*upon two years full time service, provided the bicycle is primarily used to commute to the studio

The perks that keep on giving

We’re delighted that this perk will help encourage our people to play a measurable part of our b-corp journey. Not only that, but by giving them the chance to get a little more active every day they’ll enjoy increased cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and flexibility, decreased stress levels and improved posture to name just a few. 

Healthy people + lower carbon impact = warm smushy feelings all round

What’s not to love about that?!

Do you want to make a purposeful #ReelKind difference too?

Click on the button below and see how we can help you communicate that difference with purpose!

And if you liked this blog then please share it with your ESG and marketing contacts and tell them to follow @itsmajestical to be kept up to date with more ambitious video production and animation success.

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