Creating something new is hard

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away

It takes imagination, determination and blind faith to create. Its often underestimated just how hard creatives have to work to bring their ideas, passions and dreams to life. As a Cheshire based creative studio we’re in the fortunate position to be able to offer our #reelkind support when a cause grabs our attention. And boy, was our attention grabbed recently.

A story about being kind and accepting of others

Recently our friends at Full Media let slip that one of their upcoming authors was looking for sponsorship. Emma Sandford is a Liverpool-born author and businesswoman based in Cheshire. For many years, she has wanted to write a children’s book that draws on her own experiences and helps young children overcome personal issues.

One day, inspiration hit her: she realised that a porcupine has a very obvious defence mechanism where it shows its quills, stamps its feet and chatters with its teeth when feeling threatened. This was how Emma’s journey to creating The Problem with Poppy began. And of course we were keen to flex our #reelkind muscles to support her socially and environmentally responsible project.

Respecting and supporting the rainforest

Becoming a corporate super backer to this amazing project meant we not only helped a local Cheshire businesswoman achieve her first successful children’s book publication, but we also saved 20 acres of rainforest through the work of The Rainforest trust too.

Rainforest Trust is one of the world’s most respected and successful conservation charities, and works in partnership with trusted local NGOs and indigenous communities to save the world’s most threatened rainforests and tropical ecosystems. So yeh, this whole sponsorship thing felt pretty good.

You can find out more about Rainforest Trust’s uniquely successful approach to conservation here.


Sharing with young people too

As part of our sponsorship package we also received five signed copies of the book. Since one copy was plenty for our library, we decided to donate the other four to one of our local primary schools. That way even more young people get to enjoy this fantastically written and illustrated book. 

"The Problem with Poppy by Emma Sandford is a wonderful story to teach a child not to be afraid of other children’s differences, and of their own.” – Readers' Favorite


Hack into their mainframe using metaphor


Corporate doesn't have to mean boring