We are Majestical

Thank you to The Oakman for creating our Majestical sign from an up-cycled oak table top #REELKIND

Get ready to experience the hotly anticipated sequel to Nimble Film Chick starring a new, expanded cast of heroes!

OK, so here’s the scoop. The creative business that you see before, originally known as Nimble Film Chick (and, for a hot second, Studio Nimble) is now… Majestical!

Originally set up by our intrepid Chief Dreamer Katie Nuttall, Nimble Film Chick was a one-woman powerhouse of creative awesomeness. As the Nimble Film Chick, Katie has been lucky enough to work on some ridiculously cool projects, producing video content for clients like Health Shield, Substation and the Yoga Tree Cheshire.

The only problem that Katie kept knocking up against was the age-old issue of there not being enough hours in the day! Since she’s a creative ninja and not a time-travelling wizard (if anyone does have Dr Strange’s number though, she asks that you let her know) the only way to create more irresistible video content was by bringing together a truly fantastic team.

Alongside our Chief Dreamer Katie, the Majestical team now includes Rachel, our indomitable, laser-focused producer; Vikki, our creatively-charged illustrator and animator; and our camera-fanatical technical filmmaking genius, George.

What does this mean for you, our fabulous clients?

From your perspective, dear client, the only thing that will change about Majestical is the increased level of service, creativity and ambition when it comes to how we execute your projects.

Thanks to our highly skilled and experienced new team, Majestical has the resources and creative muscle to think bigger and do more to smash your project targets. 

Need something in a tight turnaround? More hands on deck aboard the HMS Majestical means you can expect edits and final cuts faster.

We’re also better able to bring you along on the journey from the initial brief to delivering your final film.

We’re now able to offer you a glimpse of your future film before the cameras even start rolling, with beautifully rendered storyboards. See what each shot will look like and how the film all comes together and be a part of the creative process.

Katie is also no longer the only creative expert who’s out on location directing the action. With multiple filmmakers on staff, Majestical now has even more capacity to capture fantastic footage for your corporate film across multiple shoots.

And hey, just because we’re basically Stark Industries now doesn’t mean we’ve lost our heart! You’ll be speaking to either Katie or producer extraordinaire Rachel when you pick up the phone to talk to us about all your video needs.

So who are the new Majestical team?

Ooh, we’re glad you asked! Here they are in their own words…

Rachel Mellor

‘The Diligent One’

Who are you?

I’m Rachel and I’m the Lead Producer and ESG Champion. I manage Majestical’s projects, connect with our clients, and support with editing. I also manage all our environmental, social and governance activities and responsibilities.

Tell us more about your role

I’m here from the beginning to the end of each project. More often than not I’ll be managing any and all devilish details, keeping everyone in the loop across the team, and ensuring everything goes as smoothly as possible to achieve a great result for our clients.

Why did Majestical feel like the right fit?

It just felt like the right opportunity at the right time! The company has a great ethos and sense of integrity, which really appealed to me. 

What’s your favourite film?

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I Love the concept, the storyline, the characters and how it’s shot.

What’s your least favourite film?

Any horror films - I’m easily scared and have nightmares!

George Roberts

‘The Technical One’

Who are you?

I’m George and I’m our Filmmaker and Head of Happiness.

Tell us more about your role

My role can be anything from getting the shots, sticking them all together in the edit, and everything in-between.  My favourite part of the job is getting creative with the cameras and other gadgets we’ve acquired to get new and interesting shots to better tell the story.

Why did Majestical feel like the right fit?

I joined Majestical because it gave me the chance to hear people from all walks of life telling their stories. I have a lot of experience in the documentary film format; it works because even though we create corporate films, there is still a story to realise and tell.

What’s your favourite film?

My favourite films are the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I remember watching over and over as a kid, even before I knew what was going on!

What’s your least favourite film?

Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof.  I love all his other films but this one is just straight-up cheesy and bad.

What’s your favourite silly YouTube video?

It would have to be Tyson Fury telling his story about sitting with Vladimir Klitschko in a sauna and being in an unspoken competition of who could last the longest.  It's so unintentionally funny and the comedic timing is gold.

Vikki Hesse

‘The Arty One’

Who are you?

I’m Vikki, the Illustrator, Animator and Brand Boss at Majestical.

Tell us more about your role

I help to transform our team’s creative vision into reality! I do all the storyboarding at Majestical, helping to plan the shots we’ll need to film or animate alongside shaping the tone, energy and flow of the final film. I also design social media posts, create illustrations, and do some animation! 

Why did Majestical feel like the right fit?

I thought they sounded really quirky and it really stood out to me. I loved the enthusiasm and felt drawn to this lovely little team! 

What’s your favourite film?

It’s got to be The Yellow Submarine! It’s very close to me, both my mum and I absolutely adore the film and have rewatched it a million times! I’ve never seen anything else like it; it continues to grab me because of how much it stands out.

What’s your least favourite film?

Probably most live-action Marvel movies? I love things with action, but they don’t seem to have the dramatic effect that I’ve seen in a lot of 2D animation.

What’s your favourite silly YouTube video?

It’d have to be this one! 

Finally, if you could combine two animals together into one super animal that best represents you, what would they be and why?

A carrion crow and a pine marten, I think. Crows are extroverted introverts, fast learners and love being creative and I think of pine martens as being determined with a little bit of chaotic energy!

So what the devil has this ultimate creative tetralogy got in store?

The TLDR version of all of this is that we’re bringing you the same dedication, creativity, and special something to produce really, really brilliant film, animation and illustration for some of the most innovative, human-led brands across the UK.

Think of it like your favourite movie being released as a lovingly restored, mind-blowingly fantastic remaster with tonnes of bonus features and deleted scenes.

The same great movie, but like you’ve never seen it before!


The Majestical Story


Getting a job isn’t easy