immersive forge walkthrough video.
It's like stepping into our forge from wherever you are. It's a virtual tour that lets you explore every nook and cranny, revealing the intricate process behind our handcrafted gifts.
invite audiences into your world anytime, anywhere.
Coach House Forge ‘Button bowl’ video
This walkthrough video lets audiences explore all the finer, hand-crafted details of this incredible forge, revealing the intricate process behind their handcrafted gifts. Showcasing the artisans at work, the raw materials and processes; this video brings their world to yours in a truly charming way.
In this project we delivered one master video that tells the story of the button bowl, along with a short star bowl and twisted poker video as well as a collection of supplementary clips. This way, the Coach House Forge team benefit from a library of assets they can continue to share over the next 6-12 months.
Coach House Forge ‘ Twisted poker’ video
Coach House Forge ‘ Star bow’ video
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