Earth day line art animation →

We had some fun creating this beautiful line art animation to celebrate how amazing it is to be alive on planet Earth.


We created this for all the people who like to gaze and dream like we do. Because we think being alive on planet earth is pretty special.

We really wanted to celebrate earth day. But we were conscious that there’d be a lot of people potentially sharing similar messages. And we wanted to offer up a little variety to the digital landscape.

This was a weird one really. Granted we probably didn’t give ourselves a huge amount of time to create for Earth Day 2022 (the studio has been running at capacity for about six weeks now, which obviously helps put food on our tables). So when Vikki and Katie accidentally came up with the same message it seemed the universe had given us a nod that we were on the right track.

Vikki did such a lovely job coming up with these interesting characters. Inspired by the Moomins, we’re fairly sure this won’t be their only appearance in the Majestical portfolio. We hope you love their pause for reflection and we hope Earth Day gives us all a chance to think about how we can do better at looking after this place we like to call home.

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